Prepare to actively participate in your IEP annual review meeting.
1. knowing you are to be invited to your annual review
2. understand the purpose of the meeting and why you should be there
3. become involved in preparing for the meeting via power point presentation, portfolio of work, video, etc.
4. explain and develop “Coordinated Set of Activities” section for the IEP
5. explore careers/occupations/post-secondary through “NY Career Zone” develop/update online Career Plan (at end of year, copy updated Career Plan and place in “Individual Transition Folder”)
6. update “Strength Based Assessment” to document activities that have been preformed and connections that have been made
7. use “Plan for your future by writing your own ‘Measurable Post-secondary Goals’”
8. consider need for Level 2 or Level 3 Career Assessment (is more information needed for vocational planning?)”Level 2 & 3 Voc/Career Assessment Definitions”
9. review and update “Summary Report” of the Level 1 Vocational Assessment and use in the discussions/development of the Post-secondary Goals/Transition age IEP.
10. update “Individual Transition Folder” sections of: Measurable Post-secondary Goals; Planning Checklist; and Transition Planning Areas. Remember, for ages 15 and above, the entire IEP will be coordinated with Transition components, and include coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and Transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet their measurable post-secondary goals.
What parts of the IEP tell us about Transition Services
PLPs (Present Levels of Performance) This section includes:
1. statements of interests and personal goals (sample: George states that he wishes to be a welder on a destroyer)
2. clearly stated transition needs across all 4 areas (Education, Training, Employment, Independent Living) – preparing you for living, learning, and working in the community as an adult
3. ensure that functional skills/needs are documented
MPG’s (Measurable Post-Secondary Goals) This section includes:
1. realistic goals based upon appropriate Transition assessments relating to training, education, employment & where appropriate, independent living skills
2. measurable post-secondary goal sample: George will receive on-the-job training in welding. George’s post-secondary employment goal is to be a welder at the Ship Yard.
MAG’s (Measurable Annual Goals) based on PLP statement: 1. i.e. George has shown improvement in his ability to complete more assignments with less 1:1 instructor intervention, however, in his Welding Class, he continues to struggle with sequencing.
2. MAG’s section includes: criteria, schedule, and procedure
3. to move toward MPSGs (sample: Given a multiple step task over a multi-day timeline, George will sequentially break down the task and complete the task with 90% accuracy over 5 weeks).
4. skill (observable) based goals.
5. goals that directly relate to the needs identified in the PLPs.
CSA’s (Coordinated Set of Activities) section includes:
each year addressing: Instruction, Related Services, Employment/other post-secondary adult living objectives, Community Experiences as appropriate, Activities of Daily Living & Functional Vocational Assessment activities designed to work toward attainment of MPGs clear indication and coordination between district activities and participating agencies agency’s prior approval to provide services.