Grades 12 and 12+ (ages 16-21)
12.1 Apply for ACCES-VR Services:. Ask your school counselor or social worker (TLC - Transition Link Coordinator) to help you with your ACCES-VR application, or you may contact ACCES-VR directly:
Mid-Hudson District Office - 845.452.5325 Kingston Satellite Office - 845.339.4270 Middletown Satellite Office - 845.346.4260
An ACCES-VR Links: |
ACCES-VR is: Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation. If you are eligible, ACCES-VR's vocational rehabilitation program can help you to: |
12.2 Consider extending High School for one to three years. . .
Deferred Graduation: Students with disabilities in NY who are covered under the IDEA can receive services from their school district until the end of the school year in which they reach 21. When students have the required high school credits, they can "walk through" graduation with the rest of their class but defer receiving their diploma until they complete transition classes, job training programs or vocational school. This should be part of the IEP transition plan. The advantage to the student is the continued support for a free appropriate public education, special education and related services. Discuss with your transition team enrollment for a 5th, 6th or 7th year of high school.
If you're planning to graduate . . .
12.5.1 Discuss service coordination, waiver program – contact DDSO/OPWDD
12.5.2 Prior to exiting, make sure that an Adaptive Behavior Scale has been completed within the exiting school year
more about the Post-Secondary Student Exit Summary > > > > > >
If you're thinking about college or technical school . . .
If you're thinking about college or technical school. . .
12.9 It is strongly recommended that the adult-normed psychological is completed during last year of high school - for students planning to attend college in fall. (Make sure tests are adult-normed, i.e., WAIS rather than WISC.)
LD Online College Self-Advocacy Link
(FAFSA) Free Application for Federal Student Aid
12.11 If you are thinking about working . . .