Creating a Post-Secondary Student Exit Summary : From IEP Direct:
The Post-Secondary Student Exit Summary report provides the student with a written report that contains essential information to consider as the student transitions out of secondary school to adult living, learning and working. This report is used exclusively for CSE students 16 years of age or older.
The Post-Secondary Student Exit Summary screen allows you to import the demographic, performance and goal-related information from the student's latest document (finalized or draft), regardless of the document you are currently viewing. This information may serve as the basis for creating the student's exit summary information. You may also choose to manually enter all information.
Note: For assistance with completing the Post-Secondary Student Exit Summary, click here to see reference materials published by the Office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities, The University of the State of New York.
Viewing or Editing I. Screen Fields You will see the fields listed below on the Post-Secondary Student Exit Summary screen.
Contact Name Name of the school staff member.
Contact Title Title of the school staff member.
Phone Number Phone number of the contact.
Phone Extension Extension of the contact's phone number.
Date Completed Completion date of the Exit Summary form.
Graduation/Exit Date + Date the student graduates or exits the program.
Diploma Type + Type of diploma the student receives.
Academic Present Level of Performance + Student's present level of academic performance (upon school exit).
Academic Needs + Essential accommodations or other modifications required to meet academic needs.
Social Development Present Level of Performance + Student's present level of social development performance (upon school exit).
Social Development Needs + Essential accommodations or other modifications required to meet social development needs.
Physical Development Present Level of Performance + Student's present level of physical development performance (upon school exit).
Physical Development Needs + Essential accommodations or other modifications required to meet physical development needs.
Education/Training Post-Secondary Goals + Student's goals for post-secondary education/training.
Education/Training Recommendations Recommendations to assist the student in meeting the post-secondary education/training goals.
Employment Post-Secondary Goals + Student's goals for post-secondary employment.
Employment Recommendations Recommendations to assist the student in meeting the post-secondary employment goals.
Independent Living Skills Post-Secondary Goals +^ Students goals for post-secondary independent living skills.
Independent Living Skills Recommendations ^ Recommendations to assist the student in meeting the post-secondary independent living skills goals.
+ Indicates information is included in the Import function located on the Post-Secondary Student Exit Summary screen.
^ Indicates field is related to Independent Living Skills (if appropriate).
The Post-Secondary Student Exit Summary report provides the student with a written report that contains essential information to consider as the student transitions out of secondary school to adult living, learning and working. This report is used exclusively for CSE students 16 years of age or older.
The Post-Secondary Student Exit Summary screen allows you to import the demographic, performance and goal-related information from the student's latest document (finalized or draft), regardless of the document you are currently viewing. This information may serve as the basis for creating the student's exit summary information. You may also choose to manually enter all information.
Note: For assistance with completing the Post-Secondary Student Exit Summary, click here to see reference materials published by the Office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities, The University of the State of New York.
Viewing or Editing I. Screen Fields You will see the fields listed below on the Post-Secondary Student Exit Summary screen.
Contact Name Name of the school staff member.
Contact Title Title of the school staff member.
Phone Number Phone number of the contact.
Phone Extension Extension of the contact's phone number.
Date Completed Completion date of the Exit Summary form.
Graduation/Exit Date + Date the student graduates or exits the program.
Diploma Type + Type of diploma the student receives.
Academic Present Level of Performance + Student's present level of academic performance (upon school exit).
Academic Needs + Essential accommodations or other modifications required to meet academic needs.
Social Development Present Level of Performance + Student's present level of social development performance (upon school exit).
Social Development Needs + Essential accommodations or other modifications required to meet social development needs.
Physical Development Present Level of Performance + Student's present level of physical development performance (upon school exit).
Physical Development Needs + Essential accommodations or other modifications required to meet physical development needs.
Education/Training Post-Secondary Goals + Student's goals for post-secondary education/training.
Education/Training Recommendations Recommendations to assist the student in meeting the post-secondary education/training goals.
Employment Post-Secondary Goals + Student's goals for post-secondary employment.
Employment Recommendations Recommendations to assist the student in meeting the post-secondary employment goals.
Independent Living Skills Post-Secondary Goals +^ Students goals for post-secondary independent living skills.
Independent Living Skills Recommendations ^ Recommendations to assist the student in meeting the post-secondary independent living skills goals.
+ Indicates information is included in the Import function located on the Post-Secondary Student Exit Summary screen.
^ Indicates field is related to Independent Living Skills (if appropriate).