NYS Diplomas
New York State grants 3 levels of regular high school diplomas (with a " with honors" and/or a "technical endorsement" option)
Receive credit for all required minimum coursework and:
for Local Diploma (with an IEP or 504 plan only): Passing score of 55-64(or 45 in some cases) on required Regents Exams
for Regents Diploma: Passing score of 65 and above on all 5 required Regents Exams
for Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation: Passing score of 65 and above on required Regents Exams PLUS Geometry, Algebra 2 and Trigonometry and an additional Regents Science Exam & three years of a Language Other than English and the Regents comprehensive assessment in that language when available.
Advanced Designation Requirements.
The following Regents exams are required for all levels of diploma:
English/Language Arts, Integrated Algebra, Global History, US History & Government, Physical or Life Science
With Honors: The "with honors" designation is added to either Regents Diploma or a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation for students with an average score of 90 or more on all required Regents exams.
Technical Endorsement: Students enrolled in a Career and Technical Education program earn this endorsement if they also complete an approved technical assessment, a work-based learning experience, and a work-skills employability profile.
Accredited private schools may issue a diploma without requiring the Regents exams.
(special education exceptions: see SAFETY NET below)
Links to NYS Education Dept Diploma requirements document
Safety Net for Students with Disabilities working on a regular high school diploma
Note : For students entering 9th grade in Sept. 2011 and later the RCT exams are no longer a safety net option. A 55-64 on a Regents Exam is considered a pass however for a local diploma.
The following students qualify for the RCT safety net:
* Student started 9th grade Sept, 2010 or earlier
· Students with disabilities identified through a CSE. Specific language regarding the availability of the safety net does not have to be indicated on the student's IEP.
· Students with disabilities identified through the Section 504 Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) if recommended and documented by the MDT on the student's Accommodation Plan.
· Students with disabilities declassified while in grades 8-12 if recommended and documented by the CSE on the student's IEP.
Students with disabilities must take each Regents course and examination required for their entering class.
Students with disabilities entering the 9th grade in Sept. 2010 & earlier who fail a required Regents exam with a score below 55 may earn a local diploma by passing the RCT in that subject. The school may administer the RCT before or after the Regents examination, but in all cases, the student must take the required Regents examination in order to earn the local diploma. (or score 55-64 on the Regents exam).
Effective October 31, 2012, students may use the compensatory option (45 on some exams) to graduate with a local diploma.
CDOS Credential
NYSAA Credential
Former G.E.D. : HS Equivalency
The testing program offers an opportunity to earn a equivalency high school diploma. Many people who did not finish high school have knowledge and skills comparable to people who did graduate.
The Tests ask questions about subjects covered in high school.
The Tests are available in English, Spanish, and French and perhaps other languages. Special large-print, audiocassette, and Braille editions of the Tests are available. Adults with disabilities may be eligible for adaptations to testing conditions.
What are the HSE/TASC™ Tests? from the NYS Education Dept . . .