- The transition process is best accomplished in partnership with students, parents, teachers, guidance counselors, administrators and other human service professionals. Successful transition from high school to adult life can be accomplished with the proper supports.
- Transition to post-secondary education such as career school, community college, college, or university requires that students have critical skills such as self-awareness, social skills, motivation, study skills, literacy, rigorous curriculum, and college admissions testing preparation.
- Please also note the following differences:
- K-12 special education services are based on ENTITLEMENT; in the adult world, including postsecondary education, accommodations are based on ELIGIBILITY.
- A local diploma, GED diploma or Regents diploma is required for admission to four-year colleges. An IEP diploma is not equivalent.
- College provides accommodations and academic adjustments but does NOT alter essential elements of an academic program. In fact, in 2000, the State University of New York (SUNY) Board of Directors voted that ALL students graduating from SUNY institutions with a baccalaureate degree (BA/BS) would be required to have foreign language in order to complete degree requirements.
- The student will need the same skills as any other college freshman PLUS the ability to compensate for his or her disability.
- Neither IEPs nor high school 504 Plans apply to a student in a college setting.
Higher Education Disability Services Directory
New York State Degree Credit Colleges and Universities
www.going-to-college.org - Transition to post-secondary education such as career school, community college, college, or university requires that students have critical skills such as self-awareness, social skills, motivation, study skills, literacy, rigorous curriculum, and college admissions testing preparation.
Transition to Work:
Transition to work requires additional adaptive skills, such as getting along with fellow employees, the ability to listen and follow directions, dependability and the ability to work independently, among others.
- The following agencies can be contacted directly for assistance in obtaining employment services: Other work-related websites:
- Gateway Community Industries - (845) 339-0155
- Mental Health Association Ulster County/Business Advisory Council - (845) 339-9090 ext 109
- Taconic DDSO - Employment Training Program - (845) 471-9226 ext 158
- Ulster Greene ARC Pilot Industries - School to Work/Adult Vocational Services - (845) 338-1234 ext 341
- United Cerebral Palsy Supported Employment - (845) 338-4556
- Ulster BOCES Supported Employment - (845) 331-5050
- Ulster County One-Stop Job Center - (845) 340-3170
- Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities (VESID) - (845) 339-4270
- Job Corps - (800) 733-5627 or www.jobcorps.dol.gov
- JAN - Job Accommodation Network
- NYS Department of Civil Services - Select: Job Seekers - Employment Opportunities - Workers with Disabilities
- Transition To Community
- Successful transition to the community is ideally accomplished through the individual's own self-determination.
- The following agencies can be contacted directly for assistance in community housing options:
- Gateway Community Industries - (845) 339-0155
- Devereaux Behavioral Health - (845) 758-1899
- Mental Health Association of Ulster County - (845) 339-9090
- New Horizons Resources - (845) 473-3000
- Resource Center for Accessible Living - RCAL - (845) 331-0541
- Taconic DDSO - (845) 471-9226
- The ARC - Mid-Hudson - (845) 331-4300
- Wraparound Services of the Hudson Valley - (845) 338-4556